The Lopesan Group’s RHevolution project is recognised with the Canary Islands Human Resources Excellence Award

The Lopesan Group’s RHevolution project is recognised with the Canary Islands Human Resources Excellence Award

The RHevolution project was born at the end of 2020 with the clear objective of increasing the value proposition of the Lopesan Group, attracting new professional talent and improving the experience of each employee, placing people at the centre of the strategies developed by the company. Currently, the implementation of the programme continues to cover stages, according to the planned agenda, and the idea that was conceived as an ambitious plan for the future has become a reality, which has been recognised with the Award for Excellence in Human Resources of the Canary Islands, in the category of “Large companies”.

The Director of Organisation and Human Resources of the Lopesan Group, Paula Cantero, was in charge of collecting this award, which recognises and distinguishes the most outstanding practices, policies and initiatives that have been implemented in the archipelago in terms of people management within companies and organisations. Among the different candidates, the RHevolution project has managed to stand out thanks to the strengthening of employer branding carried out by the company, as well as the enhancement of internal communication and the creation of new bidirectional and participative channels with employees.

To date, 15 initiatives have been launched that focus on building a closer, more personal and participative working environment, in which each employee can find out the details of the projects in which the company is involved, through fluid internal communication, and has at their disposal numerous channels of dialogue in which to express their opinions and ideas. The aim of this type of interaction is for the Group to evolve and grow hand in hand with its employees, analysing in detail the different surveys carried out throughout the year.

Another of the essential points of RHevolution is the evaluation of performance and management by objectives, aimed at assessing, informing and recognising the efforts of the people who make up the Lopesan Group team. Other ways of rewarding the commitment and involvement of the company’s employees are through the production of thematic videos or specific sections included in corporate platforms, such as Lopesan Stories and a new internal newsletter dedicated exclusively to talent.

The best image of a brand is reflected by the satisfaction of its own employees, who act as privileged ambassadors of the company. The attraction of national and international talent is also supported by the stimulation of this type of action, in which employees have the capacity to share personal experiences abroad. In this sense, RHevolution is also committed to strengthening solidarity actions through its “Lopesan Commitment” programme.

Aguilar Abogados, Adecco, Link Soluciones and Wolters Kluwer, are the promoters of these Awards for Excellence in Human Resources in the Canary Islands, which this year have also counted with the participation of FREMAP and the collaboration of the Official Associations of Social Graduates of the province of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


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The Lopesan Group’s RHevolution project is recognised with the Canary Islands Human Resources Excellence Award

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The RHevolution project was born at the end of 2020 with the clear objective of increasing the value proposition of


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